Volcker report
It's lengthy. I might be able to read it on Sunday. From my alarm clock, I gather that much of the issue is in how contracts were awarded. I see a pattern forming here.
In the meantime, I'll be reflecting upon the following truism while doing work: Power corrupts.
And for the slavering ideologues (you know who you are), I'll try to speak your language with the following scripture: Psalm 53:3. Here's a nice summary article of the whole debacle for you: All players gained from `Oil for food'. Maybe another truism: Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. That would be a nice change.
Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Those that seek power often do so for reasons far from honourable.
We need more John Curtin's (Labor Prime Minister 1941-1945). John Howard see's war as a political opportunity, John Curtin spent many sleepless nights of World War 2 wrought with fear over decisions, full of worry to the point that it killed him in 1945. Makes our current leaders look pathetic.
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